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"How Did They Do It?" With Investor, Clare McLaughlin!

I met Clare at an event last month and was immediately intrigued! As you may know, the world of Investors and investment careers is a male dominated industry so I had to hear more. With a background in the arts as a harpist and art historian by trade- Clare McLaughlin went down a career path most would never guess! Now she is an investor at a multi-strategy fund where they work with clientele that are sustainably-focused, innovative and more. She's dynamic to say the least and if you've ever considered doing a 180 in your career- reading this might be the sign you were looking for... 


LA: What is one interesting thing that people may not know about your career?


C: I am an investor with a background in the arts. I’m a harpist and art historian by trade. It taught me never to count anything out.


LA: During your professional journey, what is one mistake you made that you learned the most from?


C: I was way too reactionary to my surroundings. I learned to pause, take a walk and only act when I was ready to be proactive. I always ask: does this email need to be sent? Be sent by me? Be sent by me right now? If I can’t answer all three questions with “yes," I pause.


LA: What are you most proud of at this moment?


C: I’m proud of the relationships I have with my founders. It wakes me up in the morning.


LA: One thing you wish people would stop doing in business?


C: Using jargon! It was so intimidating at business school when I first started out. Jargon excludes people, and we could all use a more inclusive investor base.


LA: Your go-to beverage after a long week (specifics please!)


C: I’m obsessed with Health-Aid Passionfruit Tangerine kombucha.


+Check out TLI Bedrock here